About Me.

My self Adinarayana working as Implementation Application DBA with advanced technologies like RAC/PCP,OID/SSO,DMZ,Exadata and Fusion Middleware i.e Demantra,Application Server,SOA,FMW,BPEL and UPK. Created this blog to share the useful information related to DBA and Application DBA Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Disclaimer: Please note all the views and opinions expressed in this site are my own. It's not recommend to use the fixes/suggestions provided in this site directly in production instance, please test them before implementing.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CRS Commands

crs_profile crs_register crs_unregister crs_setperm crs_getperm crs_start crs_stop crs_relocate commands in Oracle RAC
crs_profile -create resource_name -t application [-a action_script]
[-B executable_pathname] [-dir directory] [-d description]
[-p placement_policy] [-h hosting_nodes] [-r required_resources]
[-l optional_resources] [-o option,[...]]
[attribute_flag attribute_value] [...] [-f] [-q]

crs_profile -create resource_name -I template_file [-f] [-q]
crs_profile -template resource_name [-O template_file] [-q]
crs_profile -validate resource_name [-q]
crs_profile -update resource_name [option [...]] [-q]
crs_profile -delete resource_name [-q]

crs_profile -create demovip -t application -a $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/usrvip -o oi=eth0,ov=,on=
crs_profile -create demo -t application -d "Demo" -r demovip -a /tmp/DemoAction -o ci=5,ra=60

crs_register resource_name [-dir directory_path] [...] [-u] [-f] [-q]
crs_register -u resource_name
crs_register demovip
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crs_unregister resource_name [...] [-q]
crs_unregister demovip

crs_setperm resource_name -u aclstring [-q]
crs_setperm resource_name -x aclstring [-q]
crs_setperm resource_name -o user_name [-q]
crs_setperm resource_name -g group_name [-q]
#crs_setperm demovip -o root
#crs_setperm demovip -u user:oracle:r-x

crs_getperm resource_name [-u user|-g group]
#crs_getperm demovip -u root

crs_start resource_name [...] [-c cluster_node] [-q] [-f]
crs_start -all [-q] -- Starts all registered resources
crs_start [USR_attribute_name=value] [..] resource_name [-c node_name] [-q]
crs_start demovip

crs_stop resource_name [...] [-f] [-q]
crs_stop -c cluster_node [...] [-q]
crs_stop -all [-q]
-- Stops all registered resources, and leaves the CRS running
crs_stop [USR_attribute_name=value] [...] resource_name [-q] -c cluster_node [...]

crs_stop demovip
crs_stop ora.node_name.ons
crs_stop ora.node_name.gsd
crs_stop ora.node_name.LISTENER_node_name.lsnr
crs_stop ora.node_name.vip

crs_relocate resource_name [...] [-c cluster_node] [-f][-q]
crs_relocate resource_name [-c cluster_node] [-q]
crs_relocate [USR_attribute_name=value] [...] resource_name [-c cluster_node] [-q]
crs_relocate -s source_node [-c cluster_node] [-q]
crs_relocate ora.db_name.db

All the above CRS_* commands  deprecated in Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2.